Thursday, 30 June 2011

Y U NO friendly, hippo?

I'm not sure if I'm the only one, but I always thought hippos were cute and friendly animals. Kind of goofy and funny characters, like the Queen Latifahs of the animal kingdom. Apparently that is a huge misconception and they're angry bitches yo. I was warned several times that hippos are one of the most dangerous creatures you can come across in the game reserves. So unfortunately we didn't roll around in the mud together or chase butterflies. Instead I kept a safe distance and just admired them from afar. We were lucky to see a little baby with its mother. So maybe they might be dangerous, but I still think they're cute and fluffy. (And this is probably how naive white folks get killed in the wilderness btw). On a lighter note; I absolutely love the Afrikaans word for hippopotamus: seekoei!!


Niki said...

Ik ben geen stalker hoor, maar ik vind je blog wel echt leuk! waarom is er geen like button???

Cher&Bear said...

Aaah!! Ik vind echt indescribably leuk dat jullie het lezen :). Over 3 weekjes zie ik jullie allemaal weer!! <3

Carolina said...

I lof ur blog Cherise! <3

Cher&Bear said...

Happy to hear!! :) thanks for reading!

Sashdy Arvelo said...

I can tell you after every post how much I love your blog, or I can say it one last time, and assume that you know I'm reading and enjoying every post <3

PS: I love your blog.

Roe said...

seekoei ohm!

Cher&Bear said...

I don't get tired of hearing it :) happy you enjoy it!!

P.s. I love that you love my blog.